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If you and your spouse have decided to move forward apart from one another, you are likely experiencing waves of numerous negative emotions. You may feel angry, exhausted, frustrated, deeply sad, betrayed and even fearful for the future. It is undeniable that the decision to divorce tends to inspire pain. It is important that you process your pain in healthy ways in order to ensure that your present negative emotions do not jeopardize your future.
The ways in which you approach your divorce mentally and emotionally will ultimately influence the outcome of the process. If you allow your anger, sadness or guilt to unduly influence your property division settlement or child custody dispute, you will likely (though unintentionally) inspire consequences which will affect you negatively in the long-run.
In order to ensure that you can keep your eye on the future and on a fair divorce settlement, it is important that you take excellent care of yourself during this time of transition. Excellent self-care and processing your grief and frustration in healthy ways will help you to stay strong when you need to be during the divorce process.
In addition, if you have concerns about how your negative emotions may influence the process, do not hesitate to clue your attorney in on how you are feeling. He or she may have some helpful tips for you and may be able to advocate on your behalf in superior ways if he or she better understands where you are coming from and what you need.
Source: The Huffington Post, “8 Things That Make Breaking Up A Little Less Painful,” Brittany Wong, July 18, 2014
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