Recently, there was an article in the New York Law Journal about how highly stressed lawyers are 22 times more times likely to consider suicide.  It states that lawyers who suffer from perfectionism, self reliance and unflinching commitment to their work are predicted to be more prone to suicidal ideology when pushed too hard. (New York Law Journal February 16, 2023 by Dan Roes.

  The article discussed how important it is to have boundaries set.  Since the pandemic and with the increase in technology, lawyers are always accessible through email, text, and phone. This coupled with expectations for an instantaneous response makes the practice of law very stressful. themselves   While the characteristics of commitment to work and self- reliance and the need to do it right is very good, it become a detriment if it is excessive and there are no boundaries. I, as a dedicated attorney, a perfectionist and being committed to the law and my clients understand this.

  This puts undue stress on attorneys, and many attorneys do not have the proper support in their offices or in their personal life to work efficiently and effectively and get the work that they take in done. An attorney cannot do it all.  They must also practice self -care so they function at their best.

 It is very important when choosing an attorney that they have a good support staff. They should also be someone who takes care of themselves. You need an attorney who is at their best. 

At the DePalo Law Firm we know what it takes for us to work best, and then our work for you is at our best. Our firm would not be still going strong after 35 years if we did not learn these valuable lessons.