The month of April gets its name from the Latin word Aperio meaning “to open” (bud).  April is aptly named as plants and flowers really begin to grow and bloom in this month.  April showers bring flowers.  We can expect some capricious and unpredictable weather in April – rain, sun, cool temperatures, or warm days.  We may even have snow in early April even though it is rare.

April’s flowers are the daisy and sweet pea.  The daisy stands for innocence, purity, and true love while the sweet pea is a way to say goodbye, send good wishes or merely convey a thank you.  They are very fitting flowers for this as we say goodbye to winter and hello to spring and new blooms and new life.  The daisy is often the first flower to bloom in spring.  Since it is spring and we await flowers and trees to bud and bloom, I ask you, what do you need to bloom?

This month is a good time to focus on nature, getting out and about to become alive again after the winter months.  Our days are longer as we are in daylight savings time. It is much easier to go outside and get some sun.  Our bodies need Vitamin D to support our ability to take in calcium and for good bone health.  If you like gardening, planting bulbs and watching them grow is always a delight and a good way to get some sun as well as create something beautiful.

The first signs of spring are the blooming forsythias and cherry blossoms.  Every year I am amazed and in awe at how it seems in just a few days buds open, and the streets and gardens are a blaze with color.  I am filled with wonder every year; it seems to happen overnight. Walking is a great way to experience the beginning of spring.

Being present as you take a walk opens your soul. You become aware of the blessings we are given without any of your own doing. This helps us experience gratitude.  Gratitude is simply recognizing the good that is already yours.  Practicing gratitude sensitizes us to all the blessing God has bestowed upon us.  It is easy to overlook all the good in our lives and focus on what is frustrating or lacking.

As you walk, notice the buds on the trees, the birds chirping, and nests in the trees.  Suddenly, it seems as if everything comes alive.  The stillness, darkness, and quiet of winter gives way to light, color, and soothing sounds of nature. Put away your cell phone and just walk and take notice.  Breathe in the fresh air and feel connected to the source of everything. There is a reason why they refer to being locked up indoors as cabin fever.  We are like the bear who hibernates all winter.  We emerge hungry for beauty, light, warmth, and honey for the senses.

April is a wonderful month for star gazing.  The moon and stars help us delight in this month. There is the great North American eclipse on April 8 that everyone is a buzz about.  On April 23, there is a full moon called the pink moon that will grace our skies, offering near perfect illumination.

As you notice everything and everyone returning to life, become aware of how your soul sings.  There are a number of activities that you can participate in to celebrate April.

Here are just a few:

1. Pick a daisy.

2. Have a picnic.

3. Take a walk in a garden or park.

4. Hike in the forest.

5. Plant a tree, shrub, or seeds for a vegetable garden.

6. Feed the birds.

7. Get some sun.

8. Celebrate Earth Day on the 22nd.

9. Start a compost.

10. Watch the eclipse on April 8.

11. Watch the full moon on April 23 at 7:49 p.m.

12. Pick or plant wildflowers.

Whatever you do don’t miss the chance to spring alive in April.